1. This is not a market-swapping only, no cash sales please.
2. Due to council rules no meat or dairy products
3. Please list ingredients on all made products.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Harvest Festival: Schedule of Events

Cooking Demonstrations in Metaphoria Studio
10am Green Smoothies with Cindy
11 am Boot/furniture Polish with Megan
12 pm Microwave Jam with Mandy
1 pm Pickled Cucumbers with Elena
2 pm Meander Valley Berry Tart with David
Entertainment in the Courtyard
10 am John & Lance
10:30 am Wild Truffles
11 am Wandering Butterflies
11:30 Blind Taste Test!
12 pm Patrick Gambles
12:30 Slings & Arrows
1:30 pm John & Lance
2 pm Patrick Gambles
2:20 Competition Judging & Awards
2:40 Blues Conspiracy
Front of Shed

Gardening Advice with Sandy Tiffin
10 am—3 pm
Ph. Megan 0434 593 430 for more info & to volunteer to help out at the festival 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Produce Swap Day Saturday 26th March 2011

Lots of variety again a produce swap today,appetising apples, zucchuni, tasty cherry & beefeater tomatoes, eggs, elephant garlic, garlic greens, radish, capsicum, kaffir lime leaves, vietnamese mint, sage, fresh marjoram, walnuts, Kohlrabi, kale, coz lettuce, crab apples, carrots, pierre de ronsard roses, chive seed.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Produce Swap Day Saturday 19th March 2011

A very abundant produce swap today, huge amouts of apples, kilos of purple congo potatoes, zucchuni, tomatoes, eggs, walnuts, onions, turnips, kale, coz lettuce, crab apples, green beans and butter beans.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What to do with Walnuts?

The internet provides a rich source of things to do with walnuts if you are seeking inspiration on what to do with some of the generous donation of walnuts to the crop swap.

The following links provides some interesting recipes:

The Daring Kitchen 

Epicurean 30 odd recipes including pickled walnuts, walnut hummus, chickpea walnut burgers & walnut fudge

Walnut Recipes and entire site dedicated to walnut recipes 

Taste has over 489 recipes that include walnuts

The following links provides tips on walnut preservation and storage:

The Sacred Earth has recipes for pickling and making walnut liquer 

About: Home Cooking talks about storage and how walnuts are preserved commercially yuk!

Or check these site for craft with Walnuts:

Make Stuff

Produce Swap Day Saturday 12th March 2011

Another huge range of produce arrived at the Round the Bend Art Gallery.

Items brought along for swapping included, eggs, corn, white jonquil bulbs, huge bulbs of white garlic, flat leaf parsley, lettuce, sorrell, apples, roses,  kilos and kilos of walnuts and hazelnuts, crabapples, silverbeet, mitzuna and a huge range of salad greens of all differant types.

There are still heaps of walnuts available at the Art Gallery.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

March Planting Calendar

Seeds to Plant in March
Beetroot, Broad Bean, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Chicory, Carrot, Endives, Fennel, Kohlrabi, Garlic, Mitzuna, Mustard Greens, Oregano, Pak Choy, Parsley, Parsnip, White Onion, Winter Lettuce, Spinach, Radish, Rocket, Salsify, Swedes, Turnip

Seedlings to Plant in March
Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Kale, Leek, Silverbeet, Spring Onion, Chives and Leeks

Gardening Australia Website provides an excellent Vegie Planting Guide

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Produce Swap Day Saturday 5th March 2011

Another huge range of produce arrived at the Round the Bend Art Gallery.

Items brought along for swapping included, eggs, lettuce, blackberry & raspberry jam, rhubarb, kale, carrots, kohlrahbi , nectarines, broccoli, butter beans, zucchini, capsicum and a huge range of herbs.